Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Terrific Transactions & Slippery Slopes

Last weekend, I put in a bid for a 28mm f/1.8 lens not expecting to win and ended up winning. I've been looking for a nice prime lens to use as a go-to walk-around lens, since I like story-telling / showing more of the scene. This one is $510 new and I got it for a fraction of that for perfect condition used. Can't wait for it to come in. Funny how each subsequent lens you purchase only increases in quality and cost...

Today, I received my free special edition Sony Walkman W - Meb Keflezighi Edition from The new toy factor is definitely high. This Walkman is wireless and water resistant (hence the W?). It also boasts superior sound quality to the Ipod shuffle. I sold it to a friend who's wife was interested in something for the gym (I have a phone and shuffle, so I guess I didn't need this Walkman). Klout is a website that calculates a score for you based on your social media / networking activity and influence - from there, they sell the statistics to companies about you for marketing trends and recruitment. Depending on your individual level of influence, you gain access to various "perks." I have a score of 60 which made me "influential" enough for them to send me free stuff.

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